Thursday, April 12, 2007


For all my friends out there who do not already know, Justin and I are expecting a baby!! This has been a very exciting and emotional time in our lives, especially since we were not expecting to be expecting. Our baby is due to be born approx. August 30, 2007. So if you do the math, I am 13 weeks along today and thankfully, everything is progressing well so far. We went to the clinic yesterday and were able to hear our baby's heartbeat, it was amazing. This has been a huge experience so far adding depth and quantity to our marriage.

After the baby is born, I plan on taking a semester off of school and then go back for next spring semester. Having a baby while we are still so young is going to be a challenge, but we have Faith that god will continue to provide for us as he has always so faithfully done. We believe that although this baby was not in our plans, he/she was in God's plan for our lives and at this time for a purpose.

Originally posted February 22, 2007

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